Monday, July 16, 2012

Our Day

Here is a typical day at the Harrison house from the viewpoints of the kids:

Olivia (7 months)
Wake up
Roll on the ground and smile

Luke (4.5)
Wake up and ask about the score from yesterday's Tigers game.
Watch highlights.
Play Sports Center
Request to stay in pajamas all day.
Play baseball.
Eat a peanut butter and jelly.
Play baseball guys.
Draw a baseball (or ocean) picture.
Watch baseball.
Go to bed.

Ben (2.5)

Wake up and watch Super Why.
Ask for a yogurt.  Follow Mom upstairs while repeating "O-gurt?  O-gurt?  O-gurt?" Eat a strawberry-banana yogurt
Run to his room to supervise picking out his clothess for the day.
The following list can be completed in any order throughout the morning:
      Touch everything in the house.
       Eat graham crackers.
      Walk through Luke's baseball guys and "accidentally" knock them over.
      Jump off the couch at least 30 times.
      Dump out a 100 piece puzzle and change his mind about putting it together.
      Find a way to put the words "poo poo" into an every day song.
      Find a way to get wet.
      Demand to change clothes because they are wet.
      Get a new bruise.
Eat a tortilla and a cheese stick for lunch.
Take a nap.
The following list can be completed in any order throught the afternoon:
      Touch everything in the house (again)
      Ask what is for dinner and repeat it over and over again (ex: "Noodles?  I have noodles? 
           Noodles?  I have noodles?  Noodles?  I have noodles?")
      Rearrange the dishes on the table.
      Get a new bruise (again)
Look at dinner.
Climb all over anyone who is sitting down.