Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dear Luke, Benjamin and Olivia

Dear Luke, Benjamin and Olivia,

This week was potentially life-changing for you and for our family.   Your Daddy is changing jobs.  I know that doesn't sound like much, but it really is.  I really want for you to learn a few things from what is happening, but first let me give you some background.

Daddy had a good job.  He was paid well, got along well with his co-workers, and was good at what he did.  One of our biggest problems, however, was that he was gone.  A lot.  Many days, he left the house before you woke up and was home for only a couple of hours before you went to bed.  He literally spent 10 hours (at least) each week in the car.  Also, as much as he was good at his job, his position was not necessarily his dream or passion.  He decided about two years ago that it was time for a change, but he didn't know what it was.

What did he do?

1.  He (and I) prayed.  Often.  Remember that kids.  It is important. 

2.  He talked to other men who were experiencing the same struggles.  Sometimes, you feel a little better knowing that you are not alone.

3.  He figured out what his passions are.  This actually took a little bit of time. 

4.  He was patient, but always looked for an opportunity.

5.  He talked to experts and asked questions.  Trust me.  This decision was not made in a matter of hours, but rather throughout days, weeks and months of research.

6.  Daddy studied for almost 2 years to pass 4 different tests.  What is really amazing is that he managed to do all of the studying while working a full time job and spending as much time as possible with us.  For the most part, if he was home and you were awake, he didn't study.  He got up early in the morning (even on weekends and on vacations) and stayed up later each night after you went to sleep so that he could study for these tests.  

"We are proud of Daddy" banner after he passed his first test.

7.  He made sure that we were financially prepared.  We've been saving for this transition and we feel that we're ready for it.

8.  He's willing to do whatever it takes to make this work.  Right now, he is planning to work an additional part time job during this transition.  Even with the extra work, he is trying to make his schedule afford our family more time together.

9.  He's remembering why we are making this transition.  We may have some extra challenges at first, but eventually we hope to have more time together as a family.  He'll be able to arrange his schedule so that he can come to your sports and activities and we'll be able to travel together.  Hopefully, we'll be able to help other people in ways that we haven't been able to help before now.

Daddy and I know that you aren't going to understand the magnitude of this change now.  You're 4.5, 2.5 and 8 months.  Someday, however, I hope that you look back and understand what has happened.  I hope that you realize that God's plan may require you to take a step of faith and do something that makes you excited, hopeful and terrified all at the same time.  When that happens, I hope that you look back on this week and know that it is worth it.   Calculate the risk.  Ask people for advice.  Make sure that you are taking care of your responsibilities.   Don't forget that you can't recapture time with your family.  Plan.  Work hard.  Be patient.  Pray.