Friday, May 25, 2012

Why we eat at home

As a kid, we didn't go out to eat too often.  My dad is an awesome cook and since he was home from work two hours before my mom, he was usually in charge of making dinner.  We ate together as a family almost every night.  I never had to ask what time to be home, because dinner was going to be at 5:30.  If you were late, you were not promised leftovers and could possibly end up with a bowl of cereal (at least, this is what we were told . . . . Dinner in my family was not something to be messed around with or missed!  At 5:30, we needed to be fed!)

Dinner as a family is one of the traditions that has been carried over into our little family.  We eat as soon as Aaron comes in the door from work.  If he is more than 5 minutes late, he knows that we may have made him a plate and started without him.  I try my best to have a decent meal (with a veggie!) each night and we almost always eat together.  We do end up having pizza about once every week or two and fast food occasionally makes it into our house for lunch, but going out is very rare.  When we do go out to eat, we will go to IHOP, Pizza Hut or Red Robin.

Typical summer lunch at our house
Tonight was one of those rare nights.  The kids and I went to Greenfield Village with a group of friends this morning.  It was very sunny and very hot.  We had a great time, but were completely cooked by the end of the excursion.  I had no motivation to make dinner, so we decided to take everyone out for pizza at a quaint,little Italian restaurant.  It is actually a little place that Aaron and I frequented before we had kids. 

The kids did great, however, at one point, Luke (after being reminded for the thirty-fifth time to not talk in an outside voice) asked (in an outside voice), "Where are all the televisions?"

Maybe we need to do this more often . . .

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