Thursday, September 13, 2012

Peanut Butter and Jelly

I haven't written in a while, so here is a little snapshot of the Harrison house.

(This takes place as we're eating lunch.)

Luke:  Mom, can I make a suggestion?

Me:  A suggestion?  Let's hear it.

Luke:  Well, I see the peanut butter and jelly on the counter.  I think you should put the lids on them and put them back in the cabinet and the refrigerator.

Me:  I agree.  I'll do that after we eat.  Good suggestion. 

Luke:  See, sometimes, if I see them on the counter and they don't have the lids, I just take a little lick.  If the lids were on, I would get frustrated that I couldn't open the jar and I wouldn't stick my tongue in it.  If it is open, I just have to take a little taste!

A new jar of peanut butter is open and safely in the cabinet.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Right after Benjamin was born, my mom and I decided to take a Zumba class.  I wanted to lose baby weight and she loves to try out new things, so we thought it would be fun.  On the very first day, we arrived late, forgot our waters, and had absolutely no idea what we were doing.  Even worse, in Zumba, some of the moves had the group turning in different directions so that at one point, we went from being in the back of the class to being in the front where the rest of the class could see our lack of Latin dancing skills.  We were pretty bad at it, but we had a blast (until we got into the habit of skipping class and going to Target to shop for the boys).  We both enjoy (light) exercise and trying out something new.

This should be a picture of my mom and I together, but usually we're taking all the pictures!  Olivia will stand in for me.

This morning, my mom called to see if I wanted to go kayaking down the river at our local park.  It turned out to be a wonderful afternoon that I will remember for a long time.  We managed to not fall into the river (although my poor mom had to sacrifice her clean feet to get our kayaks out of the mud and onto the shore) and we actually looked like we knew what we were doing.  We just drifted down the river watching the ducks, geese and a beautiful heron.  We listened to the sounds of the river and I was amazed at how the park could be loud and quiet all at the same time. 

My favorite part of the whole trip was talking about my Grandpa Huber who passed away suddenly when I was only a few months old.  I learned about his passion for baseball.  Luke will someday be over-the-moon excited to learn that back in the day he tried out for the Washington Senators and made the team.  He had to decline the offer because baseball players didn't earn as much in those days and he wanted to take care of his family.  He was competitive like Luke too.  She told me that he didn't laugh at everything.  People had to earn that laugh, but when they earned it, they felt really good about themselves.  We laughed because she may as well have been describing Benjamin.  I learned more about how much he loved his brothers and sisters and the pride that he had in his family. 

Relaxation.  Exercise.  Time with my mom.  Family history.  Yeah, we absolutely have to do this again.