Thursday, September 13, 2012

Peanut Butter and Jelly

I haven't written in a while, so here is a little snapshot of the Harrison house.

(This takes place as we're eating lunch.)

Luke:  Mom, can I make a suggestion?

Me:  A suggestion?  Let's hear it.

Luke:  Well, I see the peanut butter and jelly on the counter.  I think you should put the lids on them and put them back in the cabinet and the refrigerator.

Me:  I agree.  I'll do that after we eat.  Good suggestion. 

Luke:  See, sometimes, if I see them on the counter and they don't have the lids, I just take a little lick.  If the lids were on, I would get frustrated that I couldn't open the jar and I wouldn't stick my tongue in it.  If it is open, I just have to take a little taste!

A new jar of peanut butter is open and safely in the cabinet.

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