Sunday, December 29, 2013


Well, we've been off the grid for the past week.  Our last day of the semester fell on the same day as Aaron's last day of work at his second job (yippee!!).  It seems as if our family went from running in a million different directions to a walking pace all over night (if it is possible to go at a walking pace when you have a toddler).  We have truly taken the last two weeks to relax, spend time with family, and simply enjoy each other.  Here is what we have been up to this month . . .

Gingerbread Village
For the past three years, we've made gingerbread houses out of graham crackers (maybe I should call them graham cracker houses. . . . ).  Aaron puts the structures together and then the kids each have their own house to decorate.   I was amazed at the progression in technique.  Olivia stuck everything to the roof.  Benjamin covered his house in random fashion.  Luke developed a plan and a pattern complete with a wreath over the front door.

Controlled chaos

Sneaking some icing

Icing faces!

The finished projects

 Cookie Decorating
On the last night of Aaron's second job, the kids and I visited my sister-in-law and nephews to decorate gingerbread men (and women).   Icing was everywhere, but the results were delicious!


Painting Pottery
The kids painted coffee mugs and a platter for their great-grandparents and for my mom.  Most amazing was that Aaron and I made it through the session without losing our minds. The place was very child-friendly, but paint, breakables and Olivia do not mix very well!
Olivia painting a cup for her Grannie Bop.

Ben painting a mug for his Pappaw.

Luke painting a mug for his Mammaw.

Big Snow
We "enjoyed" our first big snow of the season.

Hugs and smiles before Luke threw a snowball at Ben's face

Luke continues to enjoy soccer.  He was disappointed that the league is more of a clinic than a competition, but he's learning new skills and burning a little stored up energy
They want to play so badly!

After our tri-weekly tearing apart the house to find missing library books, we made a trip to the library.  I love that I had to drag this kid out of the car!


We had two birthdays this month.  Luke turned six and Olivia turned two.  I cannot believe how much they've grown!  On Luke's birthday we went bowling with friends (they even surprised him with chocolate cake).

Great Wolf Lodge
As a birthday gift for all three kids (Ben's birthday is in February), we went to Great Wolf Lodge for a night.  One perk of homeschooling is being able to vacation during the off-season and taking advantage of much, much lower rates.  We met Aaron's parents there because they were on their way to visit us for Christmas.  We had such a nice time at the lodge and can't wait to go back.
Go Team!


These children require more and more food all the time!

Family pic!

Family Time and Play Time
My hat, her superwoman cape, and Luke's shoes

Olivia and Papa

The boys knew that the last day of our Advent calendar meant that Christmas was here!
 The kids always get new pajamas on Christmas Eve.  They were very eager to model for my camera!


Sweet Pea

Olivia and Yogi on Christmas morning

Luke and Big Papa getting ready for brunch

Olivia was on her way to our last event of the day.  Christmas is exhausting. 

My dad and the boys racing while pushing toy eggs across the floor with their noses. 

Luke received a gift called Snap Circuits in which he can (safely) make circuits to light a bulb, start a fan, play a music box, or sound an alarm.  Here he is with his first success.

The boys loved their dress-up clothes from Christmas morning.

Museum Trip
We visited our local history museum with my in-laws and nephew.  The whole museum was still beautifully decorated for Christmas and everyone burned lots of energy.

Olivia sitting in front of a similar model of my very first car.  Yes, seeing my first car in a museum made me feel very old.

Date Night!
Aaron and I finally had a chance to go out for a dinner and a movie.  If I remember right, the last time I went to a movie was when I was pregnant with Benjamin four years ago. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Week 17- Routine Feels Good

After doing minimal school last week, I think we all enjoyed getting back to our normal routine.  We worked hard to catch-up from last week.  Even though I know from my years of classroom teaching that most classes never finish their textbooks each year, I still plan to finish all of ours this year.  I'm hoping that we can still make our goal of finishing during the first week of June, but I'm willing to go beyond if needed.

Luke has been finishing up his unit on subtraction up to 20.  He understands the concepts, but now we have to buckle down and work on memorizing the actual facts.  Hopefully, memorization with make math go by faster.  Luckily, we're heading into units on shapes, length, and weight, so we can add practicing facts into the mix.  I need to work on finding some games that will make him believe that he isn't working.  One of his assignments this week was to complete "magic triangles".  I created little markers that he could move around so that he wouldn't have to keep erasing.  This was a good practice in "stick-to-it-iveness" which is always needed . . .

Proud that he figured out his first triangle
Luke made great strides in reading confidence throughout this past month.  He went through a long phase of being willing to read to me and never to anyone else.  Twice this week, I found him reading books that he had never read before to Ben.  I think he may become quite the bookworm.

I've been reading Dr. Dolittle to him and we're making good progress.  I want to find a good movie version of the book when we're done.

Changing things up
I am finding myself rather disappointed in our spelling and geography lessons lately.  Sonlight gives a list of words to practice each week, but not much more than that.  Thus, it often gets shoved to the back burner and forgotten.  We switched over to Horizons spelling.  I try to avoid workbooks as much as possible, but in this case, I think we needed it.  Luke has enjoyed it so far and I noticed that he seemed more confident on his spelling test at the end of the week. 

I'm also switching up his Geography curriculum.  We had been using Daily Geography Practice, but the maps are just way too easy.  I've been looking through Classical Conversations material that has map tracing and geography memorization, but it is correlated to the rest of their curriculum which we aren't planning on doing.  I'm going to put some of my own stuff together and keep it casual.  Right now, Luke has been playing games on the National Geographic website that involve assembling the continents, oceans, mountain chains and major rivers.  Here is the link : .  Click on Geo Games.

Ben's word of the week was "you" and his letter of the week was "P".   He found the word "you" in "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" and was excited to see that he now recognizes quite a few words on each page.  We're continually working on rhyming and waiting for the time when he can connect his sounds to actually read and not just memorize words.

On his own, he pulled out the Wall Street Journal to look for words he knew.  He was really bummed that the word "you" was nowhere to be found.

The boys went to the dentist on Wednesday, so we took a few minutes in the morning to play dentist and learn the names of each kind of tooth. 
Looking cool in his shades

I love these pattern blocks!   The boys have to be so quiet and still when working with them because one false move and everything slips out of place.  Luke and I managed to get a subject or two done in complete silence.  Ahhhh!!!
Seriously, 20 minutes of silence
 Ben is really proud of his alphabet and loves to show it off.
P is for pig!
New Books
We received our Sonlight books for next year.  I found them for such a good price that I couldn't resist.  They came this week and everyone was allowed to look at them for one day before the box was closed up and packed away until July.  I am really looking forward to reading some of them.  Next year, we'll be working on World History which is a subject that I learned very little about in high school (My class had learned early in the year that our teacher could be easily distracted if you asked him about his boat.  Seriously, we asked him every single day).  We'll be reading about the Vikings, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Great Wall of China, and so much more.  After looking at the books, Luke asked to watch a video about the Vikings, so we found a BBC video on YouTube.   He watched it for an hour and was completely entranced. 

My Sweeties