Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Week

I am pretty sure that Thanksgiving week was one of my favorite weeks of the year.  Aaron and I agree we loved it so much because although we were busy during the week, we were never rushed.  We completed a light school week due to Ben's asthma appointment and family in town, but we worked a little to catch up this evening and I plan to have everything completely caught up before our three week winter break.

By the way, as I write this, all three kids have built a "boat" out of chairs, couch cushions and blankets.  I have been told that they are on their way from California to a newly discovered placed called "Rare-izona".  They have to go across Russia and then over a hidden ocean between Russia and Japan.   Luke said the journey will take 30 days.  They packed oranges so they don't get scurvy and some sweet stuff because everyone needs treats when they go on a trip.

Here are the fun things we did this week.

We had dinner at my parents' house and stuffed ourselves silly.  My aunt and uncle from Kentucky were in town and the kids enjoyed getting to know them, as well as visiting with my grandparents.  Luke was very excited that the Lions won and loved being the big kid that didn't have to go home to take a nap!

This year, we put on a Thanksgiving play.  Luke, Ben and my dad were Indians and Aaron and my mom were Pilgrims.  Olivia enjoyed running around our "stage".  I wish I had taken pictures!
Olivia and Nana

Luke and Yogi watching the football game

Luke was in charge of setting the table.

My dad had to disassemble this table in order to move it and Luke was proud to be his assistant.

Someone loved the cranberry sauce!

The boys playing our annual game of "Hide the Turkey"
Discovering Downtown Detroit
On Friday, we spent the day with my parents walking around downtown Detroit.  Some portions of the city are really beautiful and when we went the city was quiet and peaceful.  Earlier in the week, the kids and I "studied" a little about the city, so when we arrived they were excited to see the Ren Cen, Cobo Hall, the People Mover and the city of Detroit.

Our view of Canada

Running along the Riverfront

Photo-op with Nana and Yogi

The boys looking super cool while wearing their 3d glasses

Waiting for the People Mover

Luke trying to fight Joe Louis

We had lunch in Greektown at Pizza Papalis and Olivia and I were photo-bombed!

The boys in front of the Spirit of Detroit

Christmas Tree Shopping
On Saturday, we went to a tree farm to cut down our family's Christmas tree. 
Olivia loved running around in her new snowpants.

We found our tree!

Luke got to "help" cut down the tree. 


Olivia loved jumping in the hay in the petting zoo barn. 

Lunch at Cracker Barrel (followed by a long nap for everyone!)

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