Sunday, July 28, 2013

Get Ready! Get Set!

This year, we are going to try year-round schooling.  Our plan will be to "do school" for six weeks at a time and then take a week off.  We'll also take three weeks off at Christmas (which works well because Luke and Olivia's birthdays are the week before Christmas).  During each of our breaks, we're hoping to plan some fun activities and trips to take advantage of low off-season crowds.   If we get behind due to illness or unexpected events, we can use the week-long break to catch up.  If everything goes as planned, we'll finish at the same time as the schools in our area and then have 6 weeks off for the summer.  The rough part will be that we start tomorrow!

I spent Saturday morning going school shopping with my mom.  You would've thought it was Christmas morning when I got home!  The kids tore into every bag, holding up every box of crayons, bottle of glue, or ruler up into the air with screams of joy.  Once they were each in bed for nap/rest time, I was able to organize all of our supplies. 

Top Left- Textbooks, Read Alouds for the first couple weeks of school
Bottom Left- Library books, science journal, resource books, math game
Top Right - Basket (pencils, pens, highliters), Each boy has a pencil bag with their daily supplies
Bottom Right - Crafts and Preschool supplies

A peek inside the blue basket

We also checked out the used book store while we were out.  My mom found a really great book for Luke's car unit.  I had planned to just get books from the library, but this one was too good.  It explains all of the different systems in a car using kid-friendly terms.   I think this is exactly what we needed!

The supplies are purchased.  The plans have been made.  We start tomorrow!

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