Monday, September 16, 2013

Our Week Off / An Extended Field Trip

This was our first week off of the school year.  It was really weird to take a break from school while most other kids are just beginning their school year, and at a time when we weren't in desperate need of a break.  I'm still debating if I should've scheduled us for longer sessions between breaks but I think it may be good in the long run that we haven't reached our breaking point at the end of a session, and that we aren't dreading the beginning of a new session.  I don't know . . . :)

We spent the first part of our week just relaxing and preparing for our trip.  All three kids enjoyed lots of extra playtime with each other and I got a bunch of work around the house done.  We went to co-op, but otherwise did nothing school related. 

I'm starting to teach Luke how to help get our lunches ready the night before co-op.  He did great . .  then we left our lunch bag at home and had to buy pizza! 

I assist in Olivia's room during 3rd hour. 

On Friday morning, we left for Mackinac Island.  We've been doing some Michigan studies in preparation for the trip, so the boys were really excited to go across the Mackinac Bridge and visit the Upper Peninsula.  

After we crossed the bridge, we spent some time throwing rocks and walking along the pier at St. Ignace.  Rock throwing is one of my children's favorite activities.   The pier and lighthouse were beautiful and had lots of little things to learn.

Throwing rocks with Daddy

I really do exist!

She would try to throw a handful of rocks, but kept dropping some.  Aaron picked her up and found she had a hood full of little pebbles!

We learned about boats that used to carry train cars across the Straits of Mackinac.  That would be a hard job!

One of my favorite picture of Ben.

Luke loved laying on the log just looking into the water.

Friday night, we stayed at a hotel in Mackinac City that had an indoor waterpark.  The kids loved it, but we were so busy keeping everyone safe that I didn't take any pictures.

Saturday morning, we left for Mackinac Island.  All three kids were excited to experience their first boat ride.  We were fortunate that we happened to board a boat that looped under the bridge (I believe it only happens a couple times a day).  The bridge looks even bigger when you're down on the water. 

We only planned to spend half the day on the island, so we decided to visit the fort.  We learned about the Battle of Mackinac and watched rifle and canon firings.  We spent a good chunk of time in the Kids Quarters and took lots of pictures (except for Ben who was not in the mood for pictures).

The beautiful view from the top of the fort

Blurry picture of the canon firing

rifle firing

Olivia loved banging on the Morse Code exhibit

Dressed as a soldier  - I think he was trying to look serious.

Luke wanted to take a picture in every one of the openings.  This is the face he made when I told him it was the spot for a little girl.

Learning how to be a soldier

When we were done, we went back to the main streets for lunch and , of course, to buy fudge. 

Watching the fudge making process

One of the fudge makers gave each of the boys half a chunk of fudge for free.  I let them nibble on it for as long as I could handle it!
Olivia couldn't handle all the excitement and fell asleep.  She woke up after 20 minutes, murmured "fudge" and promptly passed out again!

After Mackinac, we headed over to Boyne Mountain to meet up with my parents for 2 nights.  We stayed in a villa with a playground, so after dinner we spent some time outside.  The boys love to make up games with my dad.   This week, they invented shuffleboard ball (pretty much shuffleboard, but played with a ball!)

Rope ball - The boys had to try to hit the jump rope with a racquetball.

My dad wanted to wear out the boys, so he suggested climbing one of the skiing hills next to our villa.  I teased the boys that if they made it up the entire mountain, I would give them each $2 for their piggy bank.  I never thought they could actually do it!  The mountain was pretty steep and very big for two little boys.  All of us were panting and sore by the time we made it to the top.  Ben stopped a few times to say, "I don't think I like this," but refused to go back down.  He was completely determined to make it.  On our way, we saw a family of white-tailed deer.  Amazingly, no one broke a limb and we all made it to the top.  The view was amazing.

This picture was taken about halfway up.  It doesn't do justice to the size!

The lights are from our hotel. 

By the time Sunday came along, the kids were exhausted and the weather was cold and rainy.  We went out for lunch, but spent the rest of our day hanging out at the villa watching football and movies, and just hanging out together.  The boys completed most their schoolwork that was scheduled for the car ride home, and Luke and I finished the last book in the "My Father's Dragon" series.

We left for home on Monday morning.  I think everyone is ready to get back into our normal schedule.  Vacation is exhausting!

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