Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Home Stretch

This week is a break week!   We only have six official weeks left of school.  Wooohooo!!!  I almost made the decision to skip our break so that we could finish earlier than planned, but once the Michigan weather broke over the weekend I knew the fresh air was needed more than anything else. 

The boys are helping with the outdoor spring clean up and were excited to see a tulip plant in their little patch of land.
I have no idea why he's using a broom . . .

I haven't blogged in quite a while, but we have definitely been busy with school.  It is exciting to see an end in sight and we'll slowly be wrapping up our subjects one by one.  Luke just finished his Explode the Code books for the year and was thrilled to know he won't be working on phonics books until the beginning of the school year in late July.  He still is reading daily out of readers at his level, but he doesn't really consider that to be part of school.  He is working his way through one of the Boxcar Children books (he reads a chapter to me each day) and really seems to enjoy the plot.
We finished all of the Literature selections from Sonlight, as well, so I've been reading Wind in the Willows to Luke each afternoon.  The description passages are a little flowery and complex for a six year-old boy, but Luke doesn't seem to mind and really enjoys the storyline and interactions between the characters.  The book has some beautiful illustrations and Luke likes turning the pages to see the map of the characters' homes.
Playing "Pooh Sticks" from "The House at Pooh Corner"
This week, we realized one of Luke's science books, "Everyday Things" is very outdated.  Most of the text was fine but the technology portion ended up being more of a history lesson!  We read about tv antennae, rotary telephones and tape recorders last week.  Luckily, YouTube is always available.  We've found lots of cool videos lately to go with the lessons.  I believe Ben's favorite was about dairy cows and Luke's was about the building of the Hoover Dam.  
Luke working on an experiment to see how different foods reacted to being in our freezer.

After learning about rockets, we watched a video on the International Space Station.  Later, I found the boys had turned Ben's bed into the Space Station.  I was told the pillows are solar panels.
Ben found a sprouting acorn at the park.
We just finished the last Geography book, "Wild Places" last week.  We learned a lot about the San and Tuareg people of the Kalahari and Sahara Deserts.  We even watched a video in which the San tribe were able to squeeze water to drink from plants. 
I was told they were nomads carrying their tents.
Math & Spelling
We seem to be most "behind" in these two subjects.  Math has taken longer because he's completing two books (a workbook and a book titled, "Intensive Practice").  We're behind in Spelling because we didn't actually start this book until December.  Unfortunately, this means Luke is still working on these books during our break, but luckily the topics for the week aren't too intensive (he's sitting beside me now working on telling time).
Cooking School
Learning to brown meat

Making French toast

Olivia spilled orange juice down her jammies and managed to get syrup in her hair.  She was not impressed.
I had no part in making this meal!  Luke made the eggs and Ben made the toast.  Olivia and I both approved!
The Arts
Both of the boys are preparing to perform in a piano recital in a few weeks.  They are both pretty excited.  Ben has simply learned finger numbers and will play "Old MacDonald".  Luke has learned the names of his notes and will play "The Star Wars Main Theme".

Future student!
The boys, my parents, and I went to see a production of "The Aristocats" at a local theatre.  It was very well done and the boys loved it.  Luke is considering trying out for a play, but is still a little apprehensive.  Ben, however, has zero interest at all!
Physical Education
We've been spending lots of time outside this week and all the kids are ready to run off some of their winter energy.  They received new roller skates/roller blades for Christmas and are working on keeping their legs under them.
We've also been spending a lot of time at the YMCA with friends.  The boys are enjoying the rock climbing wall and seem to go higher each week.

Getting Out!
We made our first trip to the zoo last month.  Only about half of the animals were out and about, but the exercise and fresh air was wonderful for all of us.
Benjamin didn't look at many animals.  He wanted to follow the map and figure out our location.

Butterfly house and aviary

We packed a lunch, so Olivia didn't get to eat fries.  Again, she was not impressed.

Ben found the Bald Eagle on his map and was very excited when we finally reached the exhibit.

The bears were hilarious.  They are siblings and spent a good portion of the time play-fighting.
We went to Great Wolf Lodge with my family last month.  We almost didn't make it because an awful virus hit our house a few days before we left.  Luckily, we all went from this . . .
to this . . .
and were able to go.  We really had a good time.
Putting a menu on your head is really exciting for toddlers!

A successful trip!
That's our past month in a nutshell!  Here are a few pictures (in case you haven't seen enough)!


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