Friday, February 24, 2012

Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride

We usually don't allow the boys to bring their toys out of the car. They are guaranteed to get lost. There are certain toys that aren't even allowed out of the house unless we are on vacation or the boys are spending the night somewhere. I know that the boys love these toys so very much and we would have tears for days if they got lost. My other reason is a little more selfish. My parents gave me a hope chest for my high school graduation. There are certain toys that I know I'll keep for a long time in the hope chest because they will always remind me of the boys at these sweet ages.
When Luke was a baby, my grandma would come over to watch him while I went to work a few days each week. Whenever she put him down for a nap, she put a Curious George doll and a little stuffed duck in the crib with him. George and Duckie became Luke's best friends and he dragged them around the house all day long. George, however, was always the main guy (and really still is). George and Duckie were around for every nap and bedtime, but now he just cuddles up with George. He came to Luke's first dentist appointment and first day of school. When Luke had surgery on his thumb, the nurses gave George a little hospital bracelet and put him next to Luke when he woke up from anesthesia.
When Ben was about one and a half, Luke gave him Duckie. Ben was thrilled. He already had his good friend Stanley the Turtle and was quickly becoming attached to his little Elmo doll, but getting a toy from his brother made him soooo cool. Duckie, however, is now playing second fiddle. Sometimes I see Ben cuddling with him, but Elmo and Stanley are really his primary loves. He still insists that Duckie is there for bed, but I think he just needs someone to prop up his pillow to his prefered height (which is where I found Duckie this morning).
Will Duckie someday find his home with a new owner?
George, Stanley and Elmo will definetely have a place in my hope chest, but so will Duckie.

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