Wednesday, February 22, 2012

There was a reason I had forgotten this . . .

In the past 7.5 years that we've owned our house, our living room has had at least ten different setups. Aaron loves to rearrange the furniture. He loves to find ways to make the room feel bigger, cleaner and more conducive to everyday life. Before he moves the furniture, he always lays out his plan to me in great detail, assuring me that everything will look wonderful and be more functional for my everyday life. Due to that fact that I've never been an auditory learner and my distaste for change (after all, I just got comfortable with the last furniture rearrangement), I pretend to understand what he's trying to describe and then immediately explain why everything should stay just where it is. We discuss and debate for a few days and then I eventually give in. After a couple weeks, I get used to the whole design and wonder how we ever lived without it.

Well, this week I decided to make a change all on my own. I changed my Facebook design to Timeline. Yes, I live on the edge. After poking around a little bit, I decided that I love it for one particular reason. I can see all of my old statuses and relive all those little memories from the past few years. I am loving all of the little snippets of day to day life that I had forgotten, including a little story from the spring of 2010.

Luke was a little over two and Ben was about 2 months. It was a Saturday morning and Aaron had to work, so the boys and I went out to breakfast with my parents, my sister and her husband. We, of course, went to IHOP which is still one of Luke's favorite places on earth. Looking back, I remember that Ben and I had coughs which turned out to be pertussis, but that is a whole other story . . .

After breakfast, my sister and her husband came back to our house to play with Luke. His first order of business was to show them everything that he owned. He brought out all of his toys, gave them a tour of his room, and proudly showed off his new fish, Dorothy, that he had been given at his cousin's birthday party just a week or two earlier.

It was finally nice enough to venture outside, so Luke and my brother-in-law went out to play. My sister and I stayed inside to hang out, chat and cuddle with little Ben. After a few minutes, he fell asleep, so we set him in his crib and started to get ready to go outside.

As we walked through the living room, my sister looked at the top of the piano and said, "Where did the fish go?"

I came over to the piano and looked. No fish. I looked around the bowl, but she was not there. I stepped back to look on the piano bench when I felt something. Under my toes. In my bare feet.

We learned that day that filling up a goldfish bowl with too much water is a very bad idea. Who knew that suicidal fish could learn to jump?

Thirty mintes later, my sister returned with 2 new fish and a bigger bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I came to the rescue with those 2 fish - Luke still named one of the fish "Uncle Brian"..... :)
