Friday, April 13, 2012

Young Romeo

I am constantly amazed at how my two boys are so different. Luke enjoys being an active member of any group, while Ben prefers to observe from the sidelines. Ben is persistent in solving problems, while Luke truly prefers everything to work perfectly immediately. Luke loves sweets. Ben cried at his first birthday party because we tried to get him to eat cake.

Most recently, however, I've noticed that both of my boys are big fans of the ladies. Very. Big. Fans. Sigh . . . They have very different approaches in their attempts to get a foot in the front door.

Ben has always been more drawn to older women (must be at least 12). Even as a baby, he would stare down men and give a great big smile to women. He acts very shy and makes them work hard to get that first smile. Once they've shown that they're willing to put in the effort, he rewards them with smiles and cuddles. He sits in their laps to read books and won't let them go to do anything else (as long as they obey his every command).

Luke, on the other hand, likes girls who are slightly closer to his age (between 4-13ish). Yesterday, his friend A came over for an hour while her mom went to an appointment. Luke was excited. . . no ecstatic . . . about her arrival. He watched out the window while nearly jumping out of his skin while he waited for her. She was coming over close to lunchtime, so I decided to distract him with a PB&J. A arrived just as he was sitting down to eat, so I told him that he could play as soon as he finished his lunch. A sat down to talk with my sister and I. She was so sweet and I could tell that she enjoyed chatting and being "one of the girls."

Luke could see that his opportunity to have every ounce of her attention was slowly vanishing. After all, this is the girl that he has proclaimed at least once a week will be his future wife. (He really is very convinced of this). He knew that he had to act quickly.

Q: What is a young Romeo to do??
A: Shove your entire PB&J into your mouth.

A was completely mortified. Luke knew he had to regroup and come up with a better idea.

Q: What is a young Romeo to do??
A: Play that you're a skunk and pretend to spray her.

A thought this was a little funny, yet a little strange. She gave him a courtesy giggle and tried to make the best of her crazy little playmate. Luke could tell that things were not going quite as successfully as he had planned.

Q: What is a young Romeo to do??
A: Give up. At this point, Luke looked at her and said, "A. My sister has dolls. We can play with those if you want."

Looks like we have a while before we have to worry about his first date.

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