Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 10- Our Busy Week

This week has been ridiculously busy and has made me extraordinarily thankful for our flexible schedule.  This week included my birthday, work craziness and meetings, plus preparations for the wedding of some dear friends.  I am pretty sure that we haven't stopped moving since Tuesday morning. 

On Monday, we needed out of the house.  For some reason, everyone was getting on each other's nerves, so we loaded into the van and went to our favorite park.  We walked about a mile around the park gathering and examining different leaves, acorns, nuts, and berries.  The boys ran everywhere trying to find different and interesting leaves to put into their baggies.  It was a great field trip and was refreshing both physically and emotionally.  After we walked our mile, we spent some time at the park before coming home for a nap.

Our science readings have been about rivers, canals, tide pools, and waves.  We found some great YouTube videos about the Panama Canal, tide pools on the California coast, and (Luke's favorite) surfing.  The videos have become a constant in our science and history studies.  Luke loves having extra screen time and I love the little nuggets of information that sneak into his little brain.

We started into a new book called, "Living Long Ago" that has been describing clothes that people wore in different times and places in history.  Luke has loved the book and drew this really cute picture of a cave person.

He also tried paper weaving.

Luke finished his Explode the Code book and is ready to move to his next book.  Since we have had such a busy week and because he works almost completely on his own in his book, he had to do "car school" a couple times this week!

Field Trip
Our highlight of the week was visiting my cousin during his Fire Station Open House.  The boys thought it was so cool that Andrew is a firefighter.  He helped Ben with the fire hose, lifted them in and out of the rescue boats and fire trucks, and showed them all of the tools used by fireman.  We even watched him in a demonstration of the use of the jaws of life while he helped dismantle a wrecked car.  Luke was so amazed that he came home and made videos explaining how to be a firefighter!

Ben didn't have a chance to do a ton of school this week, however, he is officially an Awana Cubby.  Isn't he cute in his little vest?

Homeschool Perks
Because my sister-in-law was the wedding coordinator for the wedding this weekend, we had my nephews over for the afternoon/evening on Thursday.  Luke worked hard during the morning so that he wouldn't have to work while they were here.  He finished most of his work before they arrived and within 20-30 minutes of their arrival, he had finished and was ready to play.  They spent most of their time playing in the dirt outside.

On Friday, my dad picked up the boys at 8:30 in the morning to watch the recorded Tigers game from Thursday night.  Luke was up at 7:00, so he crawled into our bed and managed to complete his math assignment, recite his Bible verses, take a spelling test, and listen to his Literature story before they left.  We had to scatter other assignments in throughout the weekend, but time spent with Yogi is worth it!

My birthday was earlier this week.  We had co-op in the morning, but Aaron managed to have time to make us a big breakfast.  I also enjoyed beautiful cards made by my sweet boys.

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