Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week 12

The best part of this week was knowing that once we finished we would be on our second break.  I really like the six week schedule.  We have the chance to take a break before any of us are sick of school. 

Schooling with 3 children
I am constantly ways to deal with new aspects of doing school with three children at home.  Luke works on quite a few subjects each day.  I try to do one or two activities with Ben (at 3, he is doing formal "school" simply because it makes him feel included) and Olivia really only participates in watching YouTube movies and training her brothers to have laser focus when distractions abound.  Every once in a while, all three children are occupied with school at the same time and peace fills our house.  During these times, I take a quick picture, grab a piece of chocolate, and hide!
Benjamin practicing writing the letter L on his white board

Luke working on math

Olivia reading Highlights while sitting in her high chair
Co-op Engineering Class
This week in Engineering, we had Tool Week.  My father-in-law and a father of one of my students came to help teach a group of 5-7 year olds how to use hammer, wrenches, screwdrivers and sandpaper.  The class seemed to be a big success.  When we got home, Luke headed straight for the backyard to put his new skills to work.

We continued learning all about fish this week.  Our lab this week dealt with how materials absorbed water.  We experimented to see which material (paper towel, toilet paper, construction paper, coffee filter, or writing paper) would absorb 2 teaspoons of water the best.

Ben School
Ben's goals for school this week were to learn the letter L, remember his birthday, and practice counting by 10s.  One assignment for the week was to find his favorite YouTube video (did I mention I use that all the time . . .?) of counting by 10s.  After watching about 10 different videos, he found his favorite.  I love tricking my kids into learning!!!

L is for lion
Family Time
We worked really hard on Wednesday morning to finish school so that we could go to the cider mill with Aaron's parents.  We saved Explode the Code and Grammar for last and Luke ended up completing his assignments on the car ride to the mill.  I am so thankful for this flexibility! 

Cider and doughnuts were a huge hit!

The workers at the mill gave the kids a bag of old doughnuts to feed the ducks.  As soon as Aaron opened the bag, he was surrounded by a flock of ducks quacking and staring right at him. 


Substitute Teacher/Girls' Weekend
Aaron served as a substitute this week while Olivia and I went to my aunt's house in Ohio for Girls' Weekend.  We had a great time and enjoyed spending time with each other and with our family.

Olivia learning to "raise the roof" with Nana

Shannon with Aunt Nancy

She climbed in the seat and said, "I drive!"

Olivia is the proud owner a superwoman cape!

Thanks, Aunt Nancy!

She picked out her new hat by herself.

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