Friday, November 1, 2013

A Week off?

This week was supposed to be our break week, however, it did not turn out that way.  I had a list.  We were going to clean the house from top to bottom.  We would visit the zoo to see the fall colors and the animals walking around and awake.  I was going to make a homemade dinner.  Every.  Single.  Night.   Olivia and I came home on Sunday afternoon, and by Monday morning at 5:45, Benjamin was in a full asthma attack.  We tried controlling it with albuterol, but couldn't, so we ended up at Children's Hospital for our third overnight visit this year.  We have love/hate relationship with the hospital.  We love the care, but hate having to go!  Aaron and I are so thankful to his brother and sister-in-law and my dad who watched Luke and Olivia while we were gone, as well as our friend, Joy, who brought us dinner the night we returned home.  We are very blessed with friends and family who love us so much!
Hanging out in the trauma room

Relaxing in observation while playing with some toys from home

His spunk returned and we got to go home!
Once we came home, Ben had to do breathing treatments every 4 hours - yuck!

Learning All the Time
Our six weeks on and one week off has really been nice, but I always feel weird when we have the week off while everyone else is still in school.  I have to remind myself that we started school at the end of July, plus curious kids can learn all the time.

Our neighbors got a new roof and the kids spent quite a bit of time watching the workers out of our living room window.

We went to a show titled, "How I Became a Pirate".  The play was amazing.  The kids were entranced and the parents laughed just as much as the kids.  After the show, the cast sat down for a Q&A.  The boys talked about it the whole way home and has officially requested that I make a pirate coat for him for Christmas.

The kids spent time with their Leapfrog world map.  The pen is programmed to give country names and factoids. 

We started working on letters for soldiers that we plan to mail next week.  I love how projects end up providing our best opportunities to learn.  From discussing which soldiers would be receiving our letters, Luke and I ended up discussing the branches of the armed forces, purpose of the military, and geography of the middle east.  If we had read this information in a book, the information would not sink in quite as well. 

We needed the week off, but I am definitely ready to go back to our structured week on Monday!

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